Alarm Response for Prevention & Detection of Fires in Canada
Aimpoint Security Solutions Inc.’s security services are not aimed at just protecting you and your premises from intruders or thieves. We provide a comprehensive solution to protect your property from fire hazards as well. If you are looking for fire detection and control systems in BC, Alberta, Manitoba, Quebec and surrounding areas, look no further than Aimpoint Security solutions Inc. We believe that the detection and prevention of fires is an essential part of the duties of a security guard. Whether on patrol or operating a fixed point, a security guard should be constantly on the lookout for fire hazards.
Watching for the common things that are likely to generate a fire (for example, electrical equipment that produces heat or sparks when it shouldn’t, combustibles placed near sources of heat, or routinely scanning for evidence that a fire has already started, such as alarms that have been activated or smoke and heat in places where they shouldn’t be found) is likely to assist security guards in the performance of their duties.
Fire Precautions
Some basic things to watch for:
Explosives or flammables should not be stored near potential sources of ignition.
Corridors, particularly those that are likely to be used in an emergency evacuation, should always remain free of obstructions or impediments, and combustible or flammable materials should not be stored there.
​Exit doors, including the floor area on both sides of the exit door, should be kept clear and accessible at all times.
Damage or deterioration of fire suppressors must be noted.
Fire alarm systems must be operative.
Alarm Response
Security guards respond to alarms and should have a basic understanding of the principles of protection and fire alarm systems that they are likely to encounter, with some information on the functioning of such systems.
There are several types of alarm systems:
Infrared (most common): Detects motion in large areas by picking up infrared (heat) changes
Physical contact: Detects a door or window is opened when the two parts of a sensor come apart
Photo-electric beams: Detect a visible or infrared beam being broken, as used in garage doors
Seismic: Detects physical shocks in certain frequency ranges like glass breaking
Vibration: Detects movement using very sensitive sensors mounted on fences or other structures
Ultrasonic (rare): Detects motion like bats, using bouncing sound waves we can't hear
Microwave (rare): Detects motion using bouncing microwaves
Electric fields (rare): Detect presence using electrical wires, measuring changes in amplitude
Tripwires (rare): Detect intrusion when someone physically bumps a tightly strung wire
During alarm response, guards should stay in touch with the dispatcher, a supervisor, or another guard when possible. The guard’s own safety is the priority. If a crime is witnessed or confirmed from the findings, the guard should call police immediately and back off, observing the area from a safe distance.
Duty of Care
Our security guards are familiar with the concept of duty of care (what a reasonable person should do in a particular situation). They are trained to be capable of securing and protecting a crime scene until the appropriate personnel arrive. So, with Aimpoint Security Solutions Inc.’s security guards at your service, you need not worry about any security threats.